I saw this linked on Rachel's blog and decided that I would participate as well. If you would like to join me you can link up here. Caitlyn joined our family at the very beginning of 2010 and many, many pictures have been taken of her through out the year. Here are what I have chosen as the 10 I would share in chronological order:
2. I love, love, love this picture. I love the look on her face as she watches her mobile in her crib. I took this in February while I was still on maternity leave and spending all day with the little one.

3. Another of my favorites. This was taken at the end of April in our backyard. It was a gorgeous day and we were watching a bunny or two that were hanging out in the backyard. I think I had her propped up on my knees when I took this picture.

4. I had to include this picture from June. My husband was on his last underway before detaching from his sea command. We watched videos of him reading to her often while he was gone.

5. This photo is from July ... we were hanging out in the office. She has the greatest expressions and I just love how she looks like she was caught red handed doing something.

6. Caitlyn had to be put into a Spica cast back in August ... this photo is from shortly after that. You can just see it in the photo but I wanted to include it since this demonstrates her personality and just how happy and well adjusted she was even in the cast. Nothing can get this girl down.

7. I took this picture during one of our many visits to my parents this fall. I love the look on her face and how excited she is with her book. This particular picture is from early September.

8. This photo is from a session that we did in our back yard in the fall. It was a fairly warm day for November and we had a lot of leaves on the ground. Her intense study of the leaf in her hand is what made me chose this picture out of the many I took that day.

9. This is just a random picture from December when she was climbing on her bean bag chair. I love the pictures I take when she is looking over her shoulder back at the camera. You can see some parts of what we like to call the results of Hurricane Caitlyn.

10. We love to rip tissue paper. We went to my sister's house for Christmas and the first day she was there, one of the packages caught her attention and she just needed to pull the tissue paper out and start ripping.

It was very hard to narrow down the many pictures that I took this year to just 10. I hope you enjoy a small glimpse into our year. Thanks for stopping by. Thank you to Amber's Articles and her fellow bloggers for hosting.