The first major event was changing this:
into this:
DH and I decided that our kitchen was in serious need of a makeover, so for most of the summer most of our kitchen stuff had been moved to the living room and there was dust every where from the demolition and the construction. This was not the most cross-stitch friendly environment. So that is one reason my stitching got pushed to the side. The other reason was that for most of that time period I was just plain exhausted due to this:

DH and I are expecting our first little one at the beginning of next year. Thankfully the worst that I got was the exhaustion and not really the morning sickness. The pending arrival also resulted in a change in jobs which caused about a month or so of upheaval around the house as well.
Thankfully, I finally found my stitching mojo again towards the end of August. I succeeded in finishing the cross stitch for DH's stocking (now to finish the backstitch and the beading). It's taken a back seat so I can finish up these PIFs. The stitching is complete for the first and started on the second. Hopefully all three will be finished and ready to head out the door at the end of the month.
Oh, and I finally get to show you a piece I finished during my deployment. Thank you Vonna again for finishing it. It has been sitting around my house for months waiting to get sent to the intended recipient. I finally got my butt in gear and sent it to Miss Hope this week and she received it yesterday.
Design: "Hospitality"
Designer: Erica Michaels
Fabric: I think it was a 32 ct R&R that was suggested in the pattern
Threads: Suggested WDW
Finished by: The Twisted Stitcher
Hopefully there will not be such a long delay before my next posting. Have a great night! God Bless!