The next series of photos are the ornaments finished ... with the fabric that I chose for each one as the background. I hope you enjoy them.
The blue and silver one ... I really liked the fabric for this one.
The gold and white.
The original red and green. It was tough finding fabric for this one.
The other red and green with slight darker colors. I really fell in love with the fabric for this one.
In other stitching news, the stocking has been pushed to the back burner between these ornaments and the wedding sampler I am working on. I don't have a really recent picture of it at the moment but I will share when I take another picture and get some more work done. The wedding is the 15th ... so a few more weeks to finish it. I got a little bit of work done while I was gone, but there really isn't too much time to cross stitch when I am underway a lot. I have a bit more time at home coming up so once I finish this wedding sampler I will get back to working on the stockings. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving (at least those in the US) and is getting ready for the winter holidays. God Bless!